What should I expect?

The clergy, staff, and parishioners of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church are glad you are visiting our webpage. We would love for you to visit our community that is welcoming and affirming to all of God’s people.

The Doors to the Narthex and Nave

We are located at 1420 East Dewey Avenue in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. We are three blocks east of the Sapulpa High School on Dewey Ave.

Our parking lot is on the west side of our building. You might even noticed that our priest parks on the far west end so visitors and members can park closer to the building.

As you walk towards the building, the first building you come to is our offices and parish hall. You will notice a sign that directs you to the church building where the Nave (sanctuary) is located.

The Parish Hall & Church Offices

Following this sign, you will see another sign that will lead you to the Nave (sanctuary).

The Entrance to the Sanctuary

When you arrive at Good Shepherd, you will be greeted by someone who will provide you with a service bulletin which will guide you through our service.

The greeter welcoming our parishioner

We read from the Bible. We also read ancient creeds and prayers together to affirm our faith in Christ.

The Holy Bible

We use a book for worship. It is called the Book of Common Prayer. As you explore this book you will notice that it is comprised of prayers, Bible verses, and it will guide you through our service. That is why we offer a service bulletin, so you can find the page we are on and discover the richness of our service.

The Book of Common Prayer

We also use a Hymnal, like many churches. This is the Blue Hymnal that you will find in your pew. These two books, the Book of Common Prayer (a red book) and the 1982 Hymnal (a blue book) are located in the pews.

The Hymnal

It may be overwhelming and intimidating at first.

The best way to learn about our service is to watch others and follow along. No two people worship the same way so there is really no wrong way.

You will noticed that there are times in the service where we bow to show reverence for Christ, and places when we kneel to humble ourselves before God. You may also notice that people will cross themselves. This is a way for us to use our entire bodies to worship and remember Christ’s sacrifice for us.

Like so many who come to the Episcopal Church, they fall in love with the reverence offered during our worship.

We welcome all baptized persons to receive Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper).

We come to the rail to receive communion.

The Alter Rail

We kneel at the rail. We ask that you place one hand over the other, palms up. The priest will place the bread in the palm of your hand. A Lay Minister will bring the cup of wine to complete the Body and Blood of Christ. Please assist the the Lay Minister with the cup so you can take a sip. If you don’t feel comfortable taking a sip, the Lay Minister will dip the bread, for you, (called intinction) into the cup and then they will place the bread and wine and in your mouth. If you have a gluten allergy, we offer gluten free communion.

If you are not comfortable to receive communion, you can still come to the rail, cross your arms and receive a blessing from the priest.

Communion has a deep meaning for us in the Episcopal Church. It contains the mystery of what Christ did when he died upon the cross for the sins of the World.

I hope this helps you make a decision to join us for worship in our church. If you have any questions, anyone who attends Good Shepherd will be able to answer it for you. If they don’t know, they may be new themselves. They will know how to get your question answered.

I look forwarding to seeing you at Good Shepherd.

Fr. Keith Fallis+, Vicar

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church